Samsung Call Center, Number and Full Information
Samsung call center is one of the customer services that is quite sought after by loyal users. Samsung itself is one of the leading mobile phone manufacturers in Indonesia. Throughout history, Samsung has gone through such a long journey. No wonder Samsung has a strong foundation.
Even today, Samsung has a very large number of consumers in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. Of course, this is because the durability of Samsung-owned products does not have to be in doubt. Even though it has been in use for many years, for Smartphone products it can still work optimally.
Not only that, Samsung’s products also have more and more ecosystem development. For Samsung gadgets, if you have more than one gadget of this brand, you can control it using only your smartphone. Of course this makes the job easier.
Products from Samsung can also be used for all circles. Other brands generally target only certain segments of society, for example, in the upper middle class, it seems that this does not apply to Samsung, Samsung is like providing products in all lines of the grade.
With the various advantages Samsung has, there is no doubt that Samsung is increasingly stunning its loyal customers. Not only superior in terms of product, Samsung also has a very satisfactory after-sales service. When you have a problem, you can contact directly the Samsung call center.
Samsung Brand at a Glance
The increasing number of gadget products in recent times has definitely made the Samsung brand even more familiar to you. Samsung is indeed very familiar among people. Not only in his home country, but in Indonesia, Samsung also dominates the market for gadgets for electronic goods.
This South Korean company has continuously recorded such significant sales. For example, for smartphone products. Samsung not only develops gadget products but also TVs, air conditioners, washing machines for refrigerators. Who would have thought that this prestigious company would have been a noodle company.
In the past, Samsung was founded by Lee Byung Chull in 1938. After the Korean attack, he eventually expanded his business into various sectors such as textiles and managed to open the largest wool factory. His business developed continuously very quickly until a new company finally appeared and was established.
The new company finally began to invest in the chemical industry, heavy equipment, and even capable of providing very promising growth. By the end, Samsung entered the electronics industry in 1969. Samsung’s first product in production was black and white television in 1970.
In 1990, Samsung finally resumed business in the global electronics market, entering the 2000s, Samsung gave birth to a series of smart phones that became the best-selling mobile phones in the world, after which Samsung finally became increasingly famous and produced a wide range of electronic products.
Samsung Call Center Number
Samsung constantly strives to provideperformance and a service that doesn’tkss imal for customers. One of the services that constantly improves is customer service that you can contact anywhere and anytime for 24 hours. The call center from Samsung gives you a variety of information.
To contact samsung Call Center, you can call 0800 112 888. No need to worry because the call center number is able to reach all areas of Indonesia, so when contacting, you do not need to use or add a certain area code.
As for the problem of costs to be incurred, you don’t have to worry because the phone number you call is free, so you don’t have to think about credit when you’re consulting with a call center from Samsung. You can contact the call center in various ways. One of them is via a phone line.
If you happen to be abroad, you can add the code (021) so that it is done (021) 0800 112 888. Therefore, do not press the wrong number. Even if you contact from the outside, this number is still free, so you don’t have to worry.
To contact the call center from Samsung, you can use a smart phone. Connect the phone to 0800 112 888, later the officer will immediately say hello and you just have to convey your purpose and intention to contact. For example, you need to ask about the length of the service, it can lead to the damage and the problem.
Contact Samsung Call Center via WhatsApp
In addition to calling the number above, you can also contact the call center in various ways, for example, such as whatsapp chat. Samsung provides the number 0818 021 55777. With this whatsapp service, you can do consultations or ask complaints related to products more easily.
To contact the Samsung call center via WhatsApp, you just need to save the WhatsApp number. Then make sure there is a logo if the account is an official account from Samsung when you are about to start a conversation. If you have confirmed it, you can start a conversation by sending a message as usual.
When you contact a call center from Samsung using Whatsapp, you will benefit further because you can explain in detail, later the call center officer will follow your complaint with the relevant team. However, so that the complaints to be followed quickly, do not forget to add photos.
You can take photos or record harmful videos that occur on your smartphone or Samsung brand electronics. So, later the complaints of your problem at the Samsung call center may be clearer. The speed of customer care in responding to complaints depends on the queue you have. Usually, complaints are followed immediately.
For complaints that require further verification, you will later be contacted again by Samsung, so you don’t have to worry. For a long time Samsung tracks again according to inspections from related parties or Samsung internal parts, it can be 1 to 14 working days.
Contact Samsung Call Center via social media
In addition to contact via whatsapp phone calls and numbers. Samsung can also be contacted via its social media. This shows whether Samsung wants to be so close to loyal customers. You can choose Twitter or Instagram to contact the Samsung call center.
For those of you who like to play Twitter, of course you don’t have to be confused to use it anymore. You can also contact the call center easily. You can deliver it to Samsung Indonesia, either by making a DM or naming. Before sending a message ortweet, make sure again if the account is a real account.
The original account is verified, not only. You also have to make sure that the Twitter account you have is not locked, so that it can be quickly answered by the Samsung call center team. Not only do you contact from Twitter, you can contact from Instagram.
Similar to twitter, you can search samsung Indonesia on Instagram. Rest assured if the account isan official account feed, because there are now many fake accounts in Samsung’s name. If the account is really an official Samsung account, you can send a message.
Call center contact can now be done very easily. In the past, when we wanted to make a complaint, we had to get in touch via a phone line and spend up to tens of thousands of rupiah, but now Samsung seemsto have shown that there is no distance between users and can directly contact the Samsung call center.